Diary Entry - 07/20/1987

Key Facts
President Reagan decides, in a security meeting, that U.S. ships will begin to escort Kuwait tankers through the Persian Gulf the following day.
President Reagan meets with Bill Webster who tells the President about a defecting C.I.A. agent.
The U.N. Security Council votes unanimously to approve a U.S.-sponsored resolution demanding an end to the Persian Gulf war between Iraq and Iran.
Staff time taken up mostly by Dem. tricks in Cong. to get things through that I wont be able to veto—such as tying them to the debt extension bill that must be passed or our country is in default for 1st time in our history.
N.S.C.—Persian gulf—George S. & Cap are in disagreement about starting date for escorting Kuwait tankers. They will be ready tomorrow. Cap would like to move which would be a day ahead of announced time. George wants us to wait for a few days because today at U.N. the Cease Fire proposal is being voted on in the Security Council. Idea is that if it is voted “yes”—Iran might hold off any hostile action.
A.B. Culvahouse came in—just checking some more on what testimony of Geo. S. & Cap will be to Iran Contra hearing. Geo. had debriefed his people on our meetings & committee has his notes taken on this.
An Issues briefing lunch. Then an Ec. Policy Council meeting on one subject—a high tech. program being worked on. Full agreement on going forward but debate as to whether we should offer $5 mil. prizes for break throughs. I think we shouldn’t.
Received 6 Ambas’s. & their familys—reporting in from Mali, Tonga, Honduras, Nigeria, Yugoslavia & (one I’ve forgotten) [Israel] who are taking up Posts here.
A meeting with Bill Webster—this will be a weekly thing. He reported on a defector C.I.A. agent who blew the whistle on a gang of double agents.
Called Margaret Thatcher & thanked her for yesterdays T.V. show.