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Diary Entry - 07/19/1982

Ronald Reagan's white house diaries for the day of 07-19-1982

Key Facts

  • President Reagan meets with the National Co-Chairmen of The American Lobby.

  • The President and First Lady host a reception in honor of the US Davis Cup Tennis Team and the US Ski Team.

  • The US. Census Bureau reports that 14% of the population has an income below the official poverty level in 1981, the highest rate since 1967.

View the President's Schedule
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Made 1st public announcement ever of “Captive Nation’s Week” & signed proclamation in Rose Garden—it was 92°. N.S.C. meeting re nuclear testing—ruled we’d keep on doing what we were doing but no point in announcing that in the face of all the anti-nukes. We’re doing what we’ve been doing since 1975. Up to Capital Hill & addressed several thousand enthusiastic supporters of Const. Amendment requiring balanced bud. Spoke from W. steps of Capitol. Even with my iron T-shirt on—not as hot as in the Rose Garden—the sun went under a cloud. Back to the Capitol—meetings with some individual Congressmen & Sen’s. Telephone calls to Sens. plugging the Tax bill. Called Anne Higgins who is in hospital for removal of a lung tumor. She’s a great lady & will have my prayers. Ended day with a reception at the W.H. for our Davis Cup Tennis Champs & our champion Ski team. They are great young people & very nice to know.

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