Diary Entry - 07/17/1987

Key Facts
President Reagan attends a security meeting to discuss possible actions the U.S. can take if Iran does something to escorting U.S. ships in the Persian Gulf.
President Reagan participates in a meeting with Prime Minister Margaret Thatcher.
A short but busy one—Staff meeting largely on games Congress is playing. Today our debt limit was reached. We can go on for several days with cash on hand then we face default. Cong. is trying to hang amendments that are unacceptable on the extension bill—amendments I must veto.
N.S.C.—Discussion of possible actions we can take if Iran does something drastic when we escort Kuwait Oil Tankers through the Persian gulf. Again Cong. has worked our people up so that any casualties on our side would raise a public storm.
Then a briefing for P.M. Thatchers visit. She arrived at 11:30 A.M. We did press photos out on the colonnade then into the Oval office for a one on one. Discussed Middle East & agreed on need for an international meeting. Talkedabout arms control etc. And were in agreement on everything. Concluded with a plenary meeting over lunch. Then she & I went upstairs for a short meeting with Nancy & down to farewell statements. Press yelling Q’s at me which I wont answer til the hearings are over.
On way to Camp D. Greeted “Girls Nation” on way out. Arrived—good weather—we went for a swim.