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Diary Entry - 07/17/1986

Key Facts

  • President Reagan participates in a meeting to discuss the House-Senate Conference on tax reform in the Oval Office study.

  • President Reagan addresses a group of business leaders on he current trade legislation.

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A brkfst. meeting (8:30 A.M.) with Sen. Packwood & Rep. Rostenkowski re the conf. on tax reform, I’m reasonably optimistic. Rosty asked if I’d not publicly ding them when there were rumors & reports on supposed items. I agreed. Then we had a big N.S.C. meeting on my letter to Gorbachev. Cap & George S. differ on some elements—such as what to say about the A.B.M. Treaty. On this I’m closer to Cap. I want to propose a new treaty for what we do if & when S.D.I. research looks like we have a practical system. Make the treaty now & it eliminates, if & when, any problem with A.B.M.

Over to E.O.B. for a 12 min. talk to trade groups on protectionism. Lunch with Geo. B. & a meeting with Geo. S. Our main talk this time was S. Africa. He’s appearing before a Cong. committee next week & believes I should make a speech on S.A. before he does. I’m inclined to agree.

Bob Tuttle came by & I approved a list of appointees to various boards & commissions. Then photos with some departing W.H. butlers & the U.S. Lifesaving Assn.

Got a call that the Sen. had ratified the extradition treaty with Eng. 87 to 10. This will stop the U.S. from being a shelter for Irish terrorists. I called Margaret Thatcher—tracked her down at a dinner party. She’s delighted.

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