Diary Entry - 07/17/1985

Key Facts
President Reagan recovers from colon cancer surgery at the Bethesda Naval Hospital.
A big day—they took the tube that ran through my nose & into my stomach out. It was the suction pump that kept my insides clean. I continue to have some bodily functions & I now only have one tube in my arm through which I’m fed. Nancy wasn’t here—she’s out on a carrier talking about drugs to the sailors. Geo. Bush, Don Regan, Larry S. & Craig F. came & we had a pretty good meeting on the budget. Then miracle of miracles I had my 1st food by mouth. Only a couple of spoonfuls of broth, Jello, some water & 1⁄2 cup of tea. I’m waiting to see what happens. By evening I repeated that menu with good results. The Doctor says maybe he’ll take the feeding tube out tomorrow.
Some strange soundings are coming from the Iranians. Bud M. will be here tomorrow to talk about it. It could be a breakthrough on getting our 7 kidnap victims back. Evidently the Iranian economy is disintegrating fast under the strain of war.