Diary Entry - 07/17/1984

Key Facts
President Reagan participates in a signing ceremony for H.R. 4616, legislation encouraging states to raise their minimum drinking age to 21.
President Reagan participates in Cabinet Council meetings dealing with Economic Affairs and Commerce/Trading.
Last nite the Dem. Convention opened—we didn’t watch but this A.M. I read the speeches of Jimmy Carter & Gov. Cuomo. I couldn’t believe the outright falsehoods & pure demagoguery of both. But I wont reply—yet. A signing ceremony in the Rose Garden—on a bill to induce states to raise the drinking law to age 21. Right now 23 states have it 27 dont. We had a 90 min. Cabinet session—60 on the ec. & 30 on commercialization of Space. Dave Stockman gave 6 yr. projections & again I think he’s too pessimistic as always. We’re doing better right now than he projects for this year. Dick Wirthlin figures on the campaign was next on the agenda. The gap between Mondale & me has closed somewhat but we expected that. Home & Mother.