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Diary Entry - 07/15/1982

Ronald Reagan's white house diaries for the day of 07-15-1982

Key Facts

  • President Reagan attends a meeting and reception for the Executive Committee of the President's Private Sector Survey on Cost Control in the Federal Government.

  • Bolivia's President Celso Torrelio Villa and his Cabinet resign.

View the President's Schedule
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Schedule included meeting with our vol. citizens task force on cost control, a meeting with Larry Pressler (Sen.) on farm problems, Jay Van Andel of Amway came by, Pres. Elect Jorge Blanco of Dominican Repub., lunched with V.P., met with G.O.P. members of house Agri. Comm. re Soviet grain sales, Cabinet meeting, Pen James & photos with departing mil aids. It made for a busy day—the push for extension of grain sales to Soviet U. is heavy. My own belief is we should do a 1 yr. extension with an increase in the minimum they have to buy & then hold out chance of a long term deal if they’ll do something like relax emigration freeze on Jews & Christians who want out of Russia. Our farmers are hurting too much to order an embargo. The Pres. elect Blanco sounds alright—but he needs ec. help. Cabinet meeting also dealt with grain and the problem of Fed. product liability standard to replace 50 dif. standards in the states. We’ll have a piece of legislation drafted & discuss that one again. Even though I’m for Federalism—I believe this is a call for a nat. regulation. Murray Wiedenbaum wants to go back to the U. this Fall & Bill Clark wants to go back to the ranch. They’ll be missed. Sen. confirmed Geo. Shultz 97 to 0. Swearing in tomorrow.

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