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Diary Entry - 07/14/1988

Ronald Reagan's white house diaries for the day of 07-14-1988

Key Facts

  • President Reagan flies to Illinois to personally inspect the drought conditions.

  • President Reagan flies to Iowa and addresses the WOC Radio and Chamber of Commerce members at Palmer College.

  • Iran's foreign minister, Ali-Akbar Velayati, denounces the U.S. downing of an Iranian jetliner as "a barbaric massacre."

View the President's Schedule
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Up & off by Marine 1 to Andrews at 8:45 A.M. Then A.F.1 to Marion Ill. & Davenport Iowa. This is a drought examination trip. A.F.1 took off at 9 A.M. We had 2 Sens. Dems. Alan Dixon & Paul Simon, Cong. Ken Geary (D), Jim Leach (R) & Lynn Martin(R), Sec. Dick Lyng & Dean Kleckner Pres. Am. Farm Bureau Fed.

We arrived at Marion Ill. 9:40 Central Time. Gov. Thompson & others met us & Jim stayed with us the whole trip.

We boarded Marine 1 & went down over farms & fields affected by the drought. Then we went to the Herman Krone 2800 acre farm & saw 1st hand Corn & Soybean fields only half what they should be & getting worse. The heat was terrible. Then I spoke briefly to about 200 farmers under the cottonwood trees. We stopped at the Krone farm house—3 generation family & had lemonade & cookies.

Then it was back to A.F.1 and off to Moline Ill.—one of the Quad-cities. We had lunch on the way. Gov. Terry Branstead joined us there. We crossed the Mississippi to Davenport Iowa and radio station WOC where I became a sports announcer. Met by Vickie Palmer Miller—grand daughter of B.J. Palmer father of Chiropractic. A brief ceremony of Dedication of new WOC bldg. Then I went in a studio & was interviewed for 10 min’s. From there we went to the Palmer College where I addressed about 2000 C. of C. & W.O.C. people following their lunch. Then it was back to the airport & on our way to Andrews A.F. base in Wash. Arrived at W.H. around 6 P.M.—Shower, dinner & so to bed.

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