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Diary Entry - 07/12/1986

Key Facts

  • President Reagan makes a radio address to the Nation on the Strategic Defense Initiative (SDI).

  • The President and First Lady watch the movie "The Magnificent Seven."

View the President's Schedule
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The usual weekend—movies Fri. & Sat. Then on Sat. after lunch a horse back ride. It showered in the morning & looked bad at 2 P.M. but 5 min. after we set out the sun came through & the ride was very pleasant. A swim, dinner & a movie. Sun. watched the T.V. talk shows & left for the W.H. at 2 P.M. arrived in a sudden shower that drenched the usual crowd on the S. Lawn. Tonite we go to Betty Beale’s (Mrs. George Graeber) for dinner—about 20 people. It was fun—a fellow entertained with a good routine—humor & music and we were home by 9:30.

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