Diary Entry - 07/11/1988

Key Facts
President Reagan meets with President Jose Napoleon Duarte Fuentes, of the Republic of El Salvador.
President Reagan participates in a meeting with Congressional members to discuss relief for the drought-stricken areas of the nation.
Nine people are killed when three Abu Nidal terrorists attack hundreds of tourists aboard a Greek cruise ship, City of Poros, on its way to Athens.
N.S.C.—time began at 9:05 A.M. & was a meeting with Marshal Akromeyev—Chf. of Soviet armed forces. He has toured our country with Admiral Crowe. He was much impressed by what he saw—including our mil. bases, ships etc.
Then it was staff meeting time. Cong. is in session til near end of week. Trade bill in House has none of provisions that made me veto it. Bill Verity suggests that if plant closing bill comes down I let it pass without my signature. We’ll see. Today was 1st meeting of our combined campaign team for Geo. B. A. B . Culvahouse came in with list of names being pushed for Attorney Gen. job. I asked for record of Dick Thornburg former Gov. of Pa. I’m leaning toward him.
About 10:30 Pres. Duarte & family of El Salvador came by to say goodbye. We’re flying them down to El Salvador. Desk time & lunch. After lunch at 1:30 Strom Thurmond, Orrin Hatch & Bob Dole came in with suggestions for Ed Meese’s replacement. I didn’t reveal my choice.
Then N.S.P.G. meeting—a review of [. . .] covert operations [. . .]
A meeting with N.H. congressional meeting re the SeaBrook nuclear plant which is unlicensed because of the rule they must have a plan for moving people away from plant in an emergency. We have to do something about that ridiculous rule. A haircut. Then photos with about 70 candidates for State legislative seats.
A congressional meeting 4—2 each Repub. & Dem. & Dick Lyng on measures to help the drought victims. I think we’re coming up with a bi partisan plan.
Stopped at Dr’s. for sneeze shot then on to Marriott hotel fund raiser for Sen. Dave Karnes (Neb.). Everything went well. He has a lovely wife & 4 little girls. Back to W.H. for dinner with Merme. Days end.