Diary Entry - 07/09/1986

Key Facts
President Reagan places a call to President Miguel De La Madrid Hurtago of Mexico.
President Reagan participates in a photo opportunity with departing Senior Associate Counsel, David. B. Waller.
Another short day—upstairs by 2:30 to await Nancys return. A lengthy meeting re the appt. of Bob Brown as Ambas. to S. Africa. I had some doubts. He’s Black. My 2 concerns were would S.A. be receptive & would run into the Uncle Tom syndrome among their Blacks & our own Black community. Bob is a remarkable person extremely well qualified to be a middleman in S. Africas situation. Now all that remains is for us to quietly probe Pres. Bothas attitude. We also moved on my reply to Gorbachev’s arms proposal. I phoned Pres. De La Madrid (Mexico) to personally invite him here Aug. 13 for our annual meeting. He accepts.
Al Haig came in for an unscheduled meeting—to tell me he plans to run for the Presidency in ’88—has been all over the country testing the water.
George S. came in for his meeting. George has decided against a Middle East trip at this time. He’s just met with Soviet reps. & it looks more like we’ll have the summit.
Some photos—2 with staff moving to other jobs & one with Chet Sampron—a figure from my past in Hollywood. He used to bring scout troops to visit Hollywood. I had them on the sets of pictures I was doing. Then upstairs to await Nancys return & she returned—thank Heaven.