Diary Entry - 07/09/1981

Key Facts
President Reagan attends a National Security Council meeting to discuss the Soviet gas pipeline to Western Europe
President Reagan nominates Charles Bowsher as Comptroller General of the United States
Prime Minister Menahem Begin closes Israel's border with Jordan to two-way tourist travel.
Quite a variety of visitors scheduled. A Congressman from Alaska brought in a gift of a fly rod—actually with gold mountings. Skip Wilkins was brought in—he is a quadriplegic as a result of a Water Ski accident. He presented me with his autobiography. He is a fine looking young man with a great personality & a lovely wife. He is involved heavily & successfully in Wheel Chair Athletics & Athletes in religion—“Christian Athletes.” Announced Chuck Bowsher for Comptroller General (a 15 yr. appt.) N.S.C. meeting—we still haven’t resolved the issue of the Soviet pipeline. We’re split on how hard we should go in trying to block it. Met with Black leaders who support me & our program—a little different from the Denver trip. 2 receptions for Eagles in the East Room.