Diary Entry - 07/06/1981

Key Facts
President Reagan celebrates the First Lady's 60th Birthday.
President Reagan informs Judge Sandra Day O'Connor that she is the President's Nominee for the Supreme Court.
Isabel Peron, former president of Argentina, is freed from five years of house arrest by a federal court.
Now it’s Nancy’s birthday. A lengthy N.S.C. meeting re trade with Soviet U. & what to do about the Soviet pipeline to W. Europe. A dozen options ranging from almost total trade with restrictions only on extremely sensitive mil. technology to almost total boycott. I have to choose one of the options. Our allies of course lean toward trade. Lunch with Phil Habib—he’s a real pro & he’s kept us from having a war break out between Israel & Syria for a long time now. He’s going back & our prayers go with him. Called Judge O’Connor in Ariz. & told her she was my nominee for Supreme Ct. Already the flack is starting & from my own supporters. Right to Life people say she’s pro-abortion. She declares abortion is personally repugnant to her. I think she’ll make a good Justice.