Diary Entry - 07/03/1986

Key Facts
President Reagan participates in a taping session of his radio address to the Nation on Independence Day and the Centennial of the Statue of Liberty.
President Reagan participates in a briefing with senior White House staff to prepare for his upcoming meeting with President Mitterrand of France.
A late start—10 A.M. & a briefing for my upcoming visit with Pres. Mitterrand in N.Y. Then after lunch did my Sat. Radio program on tape. And then off to N.Y. for the big 4th of July celebration & the re-opening of the Statue of Liberty. Nancys brother & family are here to go with us. Marine 1 to Andrews then a C-20 to N.Y. We are landing at a suburban airport north of N.Y. which cant handle A.F.1. We arrive at Westchester Co. Airport & helicopter to the Rockefeller ancestral home at Pocantico Hills which will be our home while in N.Y. The Rockefeller family were all on hand to welcome us & have a dinner for us. It was an early dinner then back to Marine 1 & down the Hudson to Governors Island. A brief arrival ceremony then on to the scene of the entertainment. We joined Pres. Mitterrand & his wife & into the Presidential boxes. The program was already in progress before a large crowd in grandstand erected for the occasion & of course the program was being covered live by ABC T.V. Pres. M. spoke & finally I was introduced. Upon finishing my remarks I pushed the button that lighted up Miss Liberty. It was spectacular. There were awards of the “Liberty Medal” to a dozen immigrants. And finally when we were all shivering in the cold breeze at almost 10 P.M. I called for the lighting of Miss Libertys torch. Then back to Pocantico Hills & a short night—midnight to about 6:30.