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Diary Entry - 06/30/1981

Key Facts

  • President Reagan greets the prime minister of Australia Malcolm Fraser.

  • President Reagan meets with Secretary of Defense Caspar Weinberger to discuss the B-1 bomber.

  • Israel's Likud Party, led by Prime Minister Menachem Begin, narrowly wins parliamentary elections.

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A long but good day. Signed the order allowing quotas on shoe imports to die. We’ve had this protective measure for 3 yrs. Last year domestic shoe mfg. showed an 8% profit margin—back to free trade. P.M. Frazer of Australia arrived. The usual ceremony, with our Colonial Fife & Drum Corps playing “Waltzing Matilda.” Good meetings reinforcing a most unique friendship which exists between our 2 countries. The State dinner was the best yet—warm & enjoyable. Vincent Dowling entertained reciting Robt. W. Service poems. This afternoon met with Cap. W. on the B-1. He leans toward going for the “Stealth” which would leave a several year gap with only the aging B-52’s. I tend to favor filling the gap with B-1’s while we develop the “Stealth.” The Israel election returns coming in looks like a dead heat between Begin & Peres which means problems whichever one wins.

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