Diary Entry - 06/29/1987

Key Facts
President Reagan attends a National Security Council meeting to discuss the situation in South Korea.
President Reagan meets with Attorney General Edwin Meese and Chief of Staff Howard Baker to discuss the vacancy in the Supreme Court.
A bright warm Monday. Staff time more or less routine.
N.S.C.—Some reporting on S. Korea & news that ruling party has offered some concessions to the demonstrators. But no word as to whether Pres. Chun goes along.
Over to E.O.B. for a brief talk to our Pol. Activists. These are the people who have been loyal supporters for years. I made a pitch for obeying the 11th commandment.
Then an Issues briefing lunch. As always it was informative & pleasant. Later in Roosevelt room a meeting with Gov’s. Sununu & Sinner with report to them on our progress in restoring Federalism.
Then meeting with our lawyers, Ed Meese & Howard on Supreme Ct. vacancy. We are together on thinking it should be Robt. Bork. Another meeting with Bill Webster. He’s back from Europe & reported on Intelligence matters involving allies.—Haircut & end of day.