Diary Entry - 06/29/1985

Key Facts
President Reagan makes a Radio Address to the Nation on counter-intelligence activities.
President Reagan finds out from watching the television that the hostages have not been moved to Syria as planned.
We would be riding at the ranch if it were not for the hostage situation. We learned the hostages minus 4 had been moved by Red Cross bus to a bldg. a mile S.E. of the Beirut airport. I was ready with a statement for the press to be read at 9 A.M. Having breakfast in bed we turned on T.V.—There were our hostages still in Beirut not in Damascus. Apparently neither Mr. Barri or Assad could spring the missing 4 from the bastardly Hisbollah. The hours passed & it became apparent there would be no further movement today. Now we pin our hopes on tomorrow. Cap & Don called & I went down to the Oval office where I’d be doing my radio broadcast. [. . .] Meanwhile tonight we have a group in for dinner & then a movie “Rambo.” Everyone had a good time.