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Diary Entry - 06/29/1985

Ronald Reagan's white house diaries for the day of 06-29-1985

Key Facts

  • President Reagan makes a Radio Address to the Nation on counter-intelligence activities.

  • President Reagan finds out from watching the television that the hostages have not been moved to Syria as planned.

View the President's Schedule
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We would be riding at the ranch if it were not for the hostage situation. We learned the hostages minus 4 had been moved by Red Cross bus to a bldg. a mile S.E. of the Beirut airport. I was ready with a statement for the press to be read at 9 A.M. Having breakfast in bed we turned on T.V.—There were our hostages still in Beirut not in Damascus. Apparently neither Mr. Barri or Assad could spring the missing 4 from the bastardly Hisbollah. The hours passed & it became apparent there would be no further movement today. Now we pin our hopes on tomorrow. Cap & Don called & I went down to the Oval office where I’d be doing my radio broadcast. [. . .] Meanwhile tonight we have a group in for dinner & then a movie “Rambo.” Everyone had a good time.

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