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Diary Entry - 06/29/1983

Key Facts

  • President Reagan travels to Louisville, Kentucky to attend the 19th Annual National Vocational Industrial Clubs of America Leadership Conference.

  • President Reagan travels to Kansas City, Missouri to attend the 47th National Conference of the National Association of Student Councils.

  • Nearly 1,000 people are reported dead or missing following several days of monsoon dead or missing following several days of monsoon

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Left for Louisville Ky. There I addressed about 3000 Vocational students & teachers gathered from all over the U.S. for the Vocational Skills Olympics. In this high tech age there should no longer be any looking down on vocational ed. This event was inspiring & most successful. Back to A.F.1 & on to Kansas City. George Skelton interviewed me on the “age” business. He did a good story too. In K.C. met by Gov. Kit Bond. We drove to a school across the line where Nat. Convention of H.S. Student Councils & officers was being held—about 1300 of them. These were student leaders from all over the country. I did a short speech & then Q&A. It went very well & I received a great ovation. Back to A.F.1 & off for Calif.—Beverly Wilshire hotel where I joined Nancy. Happy day.

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