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Diary Entry - 06/27/1984

Ronald Reagan's white house diaries for the day of 06-27-1984

Key Facts

  • President Reagan meets with Prince Bandar, Ambassador of the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia to the United States.

  • President Reagan addresses about 180 members of the National Association of Minority Contractors.

View the President's Schedule
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Staff & N.S.C. meetings. Jesse Jackson off on his own diplomatic mission to Cuba, Nicaragua & other points South has tried to reach me by phone. That is a call I’m not taking. We have put Under Sec. of State Armacost on the phone at this end. J.J. has us on some pretty thin ice with his adventuring. Commander Eric Liu (W.H. Staff Dr.), his wife & baby boy came by for a pic. He’s being assigned to Bethesda Naval hosp. He’s a good man. Met with 3 Gov’s. from Midwest on farm problems. Between Tornadoes & Floods agriculture is having a rough time. But worse than nature is what reduced inflation has done. Land prices went out of sight during the high inflation of the 70’s & 1980. Farmers borrowed using their land as collateral. Now that sanity has returned to the market they are faced with big credit problems. After lunch Geo. S. came in to report on our Ambass. to Central America & his meeting in Nicaragua. Then I addressed (East Room) participants in Conf. on U.S./Soviet exchange. From there to the E.O.B. to speak to the Nat. Assn. of Minority Contractors. Back to the Oval O. for a meeting with a Eureka College group—Dan Gilbert, a couple of Trustees & the V.P. of the college. We discussed Eurekas money problems. End of day.

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