Diary Entry - 06/26/1983

Key Facts
The President and the First Lady attend church services at the National Presbyterian Church.
President Reagan travels to the Marine Barracks, Washington D.C. to participate in a Change of Command Ceremony.
Church in the A.M.—Same plan as Easter—didn’t put it on the schedule—told press pool at last minute. It felt good to be there—I’ve missed it. Afternoon by pool—Bill Clark & Bill Casey came over for discussion of Central Am. We’re losing if we dont do something drastic. Those in Cong. who are dribbling out about 1⁄4 of what we ask for & need could be playing politics. They’d like to give enough money to keep us in the game but El Salvador bleeds to death. Then they call it my plan & it lost Central Am. We have to take this to the people & make them see what’s going on. If the Soviets win in Central Am. we lose in Geneva & every place else. Took a swim & upstairs. After dinner went to Marine barracks for ceremony of change command. Gen. Barrow is retiring & Gen. Kelly takes over. This was 1st time a Pres. ever participated in such a ceremony. It was as always there with the corps an emotional & inspiring event.