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Diary Entry - 06/26/1983

Key Facts

  • The President and the First Lady attend church services at the National Presbyterian Church.

  • President Reagan travels to the Marine Barracks, Washington D.C. to participate in a Change of Command Ceremony.

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Church in the A.M.—Same plan as Easter—didn’t put it on the schedule—told press pool at last minute. It felt good to be there—I’ve missed it. Afternoon by pool—Bill Clark & Bill Casey came over for discussion of Central Am. We’re losing if we dont do something drastic. Those in Cong. who are dribbling out about 1⁄4 of what we ask for & need could be playing politics. They’d like to give enough money to keep us in the game but El Salvador bleeds to death. Then they call it my plan & it lost Central Am. We have to take this to the people & make them see what’s going on. If the Soviets win in Central Am. we lose in Geneva & every place else. Took a swim & upstairs. After dinner went to Marine barracks for ceremony of change command. Gen. Barrow is retiring & Gen. Kelly takes over. This was 1st time a Pres. ever participated in such a ceremony. It was as always there with the corps an emotional & inspiring event.

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