Diary Entry - 06/22/1988

Key Facts
President Reagan meets with the INF Inspection Team.
President Reagan attends and addresses the annual meeting of the Business Roundtable.
Howard back—in fact he met us on the S. Lawn last night. This morning he told me about Congress Duncans death by Cancer. I called Lois his widow & then son Jim who is running to replace his father. We then talked a little business in our meeting. What kind of Contra aid pckg. to put before the Cong. It must be one that will pass. The fair housing bill looks like it will get to my desk & be one I can sign. Everybody & his brother seem to be talking about new drug programs & more spending on them. Well let’s see if that is the answer. I have one of my own I’m going to try. I’m calling Lane Kirkland A.F.L.-C.I.O. to see if Labor could help by voluntarily drug testing in Unions like Railroad, trucking etc. Tomorrow Dick Lyng & the V.P. will be back from their tour of the drought country. On the Hill we face a fight over funding for the Space Station.
N.S.C.—Frank C. is pushing a plan to put 3rd phase of S.D.I. in place before going any further on 1. & 2. I’m against it. Phase 3 is merely ground based A.B.M.’s to hit any strays that get through the main defense line. I’m afraid Congress would halt spending on 1 & 2 & maybe permanently. I granted Colin authority to withhold classified information from court ordered surrender of it. Colin tells me Saudi’s are now (and a 1st for anyone) partners in Texaco Oil Co.
Last month 1000 Visas for Jews leaving Soviet U. were changed for U.S. when they reached Vienna—1000 out of 1100 total.
Opposition to our sale of F 18’s to Kuwait is meeting with Cong. etc. Unable to stop that sale—they are now demanding we dont sell the missiles fired by the planes. End of that meeting I met & took pictures with 15 Americans 14 male & 1 female—mostly military who are leaving for Soviet U.—1st step in our I.N.F. verification setup.
Desk time & lunch. Then some mil. showed me a tape of how our welcoming ceremonies for state visits were done before we eliminated the troop review. It was to refresh my memory of how we did it. We’re going to do it Mon. for Pres. Evron of Turkey.
A photo with representative of Hurriyet Newspaper (Turkey) it’s to go with interview I did.
Then it was George Shultz time. One of his topics was the coming trade bill—he’s against it. Then he related plans for Central Am. trip—leaves next week then he’s off to Middle East again. Then we talked about Sandinistas. We’re trying to come up with further action against them. Met the new A.F. aid—a young major—a fighter pilot. Then it was upstairs for exercises, shower & a drop-bye to address Annual Meeting of Business Round Table at Marriott Hotel. It was a good crowd & I was well received. Back to the W.H. and dinner with Nancy & Mermie.