Diary Entry - 06/22/1985

Key Facts
President Reagan makes a Radio Address to the Nation on the federal budget.
President Reagan meets with Vice President George Bush and Assistant for National Security Affairs Robert McFarlane to discuss the recent hijacking.
On Sat. we dressed up & flew back to Andrews to meet the families of our 4 Marines who were murdered in San Salvadore. This was an emotional trial—meeting their families but I believe the impressive Marine ceremony had to ease some of the pain of those whose loved ones were not combat casualties but victims of a vicious massacre.
The Sunday phone call was to tell me of an Air India plane which went down in the Atlantic off Ireland with more than 300 passengers. It is almost certain the plane was victim of an explosion. Almost at the same time a plane landed in Japan (from Canada as was the other one) ahead of schedule. Two baggage handlers were killed, several wounded when baggage exploded. We have to believe this explosion had been timed to go off over the sea. I should have mentioned that Sat. George B., Bud MacFarlane & Craig R. came up to David for lunch. We hashed the hi-jacking around for an hour. George is off to meet with our allies on what we can do together about terrorism.