Diary Entry - 06/22/1981

Key Facts
President Reagan is presented with a bronze sculpture of a rodeo cowboy and honorary membership into the Professional Rodeo Cowboys Association.
President Reagan meets with a group of bipartisan State Governors to discuss the Block Grant issue.
Nancy left for Calif. at noon & I’m already lonesome. The morning was mainly briefing on our hassle on the bill. The House leadership is revealing it really doesn’t want to cut spending or taxes. Met with 6 Govs. D. & R. and all are upset about what is going on especially with the sabotage of Block Grants. A meeting with Bob Michel and somehow I dont feel any better—not because he isn’t doing all he can but because he agrees we’re being sand bagged. Bill Smith came in on the Sup. Ct. I believe if the check up goes well we should go with the lady in Ariz. to replace Potter Stewart to the Supreme Ct. Ended afternoon at reception for champion athletes & familys. It was fun but somehow moving to meet the children of men like Jesse Owens, Joe Louis etc.