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Diary Entry - 06/19/1986

Key Facts

  • President Reagan participates in a photo opportunity with the staff of the Office of Communications.

  • President Reagan and the Vice President eat lunch together.

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The usual briefings. Nancy told me of a problem that has Carlton Turner of our Drug dept. ready to quit which would be a terrible loss. I took it up with Don R. It seems the man heading up the Dept. of Justice program on drugs is trying to elbow Carlton out of the scene. Don is going to take it up with Ed Meese. We had a Cong. meeting scheduled on Contra Aid but a vote call cancelled that. Geo B. & I had a lunch on the patio—a good visit. Pat B. brought in his whole staff for photos. They are a good gang majority are females. A session with Bob Tuttle approving a list of appointees. Then over to the East Room to meet & be photographed with almost 100 cands. for Cong. who are here for a little campaign schooling. Then it was off by helicopter for Glassboro N.J. to address the high school commencement. It was a wonderful experience. A crowd of 6000 out on the high school grounds. They waited until I departed so I spoke briefly to them before taking off for Wash. In the ceremony it was a wonderful bunch of kids plus a gym full of their parents & friends. I came away feeling ten ft. tall. I like people. Back to the W.H. & a late but skimpy dinner. Tomorrow I drink gallons of Golightly & go to Bethesda for my 1 yr. post operative check up.

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