Diary Entry - 06/18/1985

Key Facts
President Reagan meets with President of the Republic of Tunisia Habib Bourguiba.
President Reagan participates in his 30th Press Conference.
Well there were good reasons when we talked it over why some of my ideas about Berri & the Israelis wouldn’t work. Today however Berri did release 3 of the hostages, one was a Greek citizen with an American girlfriend & the 3rd an 18 yr. old American.
Had a brief meeting with the C.E.O. of Dart Kraft, the head of an org. dealing with inner city Urban problems & the head of an org. dealing with the family. These 3 have united to go all out for our tax reform.
Then it was time to get ready for our sessions with Pres. Borguiba of Tunisia. They were good sessions & he is really a friend of America. Tunisia is the only Moslem or Arab country that practices Monogamy & gives women equal rights. The Pres. is also a declared enemy of Quadaffi. He is 85 yrs. old, in bad health [. . .]
Finally tonite the press conf. It went well & I had to walk a tightrope all the way—what with Q’s. about the hijacking. I ducked a lot of them. We had the biggest phone & telegram response yet. About 74% favorable.