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Diary Entry - 06/17/1986

Key Facts

  • The President and First Lady participate in a welcoming ceremony in honor of the President of the Oriental Republic of Urugua and Mrs. Julio Maria Sanguinetti.

  • President Reagan makes an announcement to the press about the resignation of Chief Justice Burger and the nomination of Associate Justice Rehnquist to be Chief Justice of the U.S. Supreme Court.

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A beautiful day which was good because we had the mil. ceremony & a large crowd on the S. Lawn for the arrival of Pres. Sanguinetti of Uruguay. We had a good meeting. He’s working to get his country—so long under a mil. dictatorship—back into the world of democracy & free enterprise.

This afternoon we astonished the press with a news break of a perfectly kept secret. I took Chf. Justice Burger, Justice Rhenquist & Judge Scalia into the press room to announce Burgers resignation, Rehnquists nomination to succeed him & Scalias nomination to take Rhenquists place on the court.

A meeting with John P. & Don R. on my proposal for a proposed treaty with the Soviets to share the S.D.I. if & when it is a reality & to then do away with I.C.B.M.’s. John seems to want to sneak up on it in phases etc. I’m holding out for a simple plan—yes or no.

Tonite the State Dinner for our Uruguay friend—with music by Dave Brubeck. It was a great evening. I’m sure everyone enjoyed themselves & our honored guests left with a warm feeling of friendship with us gringos.

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