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Diary Entry - 06/13/1986

Key Facts

  • President Reagan participates in a ceremony to present the National Security Medal to Lt. Gen. Bennett L. Lewis.

  • President Reagan participates in a ceremony to present the President's Award for Distinguished Federal Service to Charles E. Allen.

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A busy half day. Presentation of 2 Nat. Security medals & 1 Distinguished Fed. Service Award. Then a visit with Sen. Jim Abnor who just won his primary against Gov. Janklow. We’ll do our best to help Jim keep his seat.

Met with Jim Fletcher & told him I wanted the Rogers Commission Rpt. implemented & that I be kept informed of it’s progress. I think he’ll restore N.A.S.A. to it’s high standing.

Mother Teresa dropped by for a brief visit & to tell me she prayed for me every day. She’s a most remarkable little woman.

We had a regional press luncheon. I spoke briefly & then took Q’s. Theirs were better than the one at the Press Conf.

Met with George S. We spent our time on the Soviet situation. Then a photo with departing Ambassadors & before getting in the helicopter for Camp D. met with 2 young people—age 15 or so. They were formerly total disaster students—the boy (white) from a broken home & the girl (black) a terrible background. They were chosen as making the greatest progress in a project for problem children. It was an emotional but most rewarding brief meeting.

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