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Diary Entry - 06/13/1985

Ronald Reagan's white house diaries for the day of 06-13-1985

Key Facts

  • President Reagan travels to Bloomfield, NJ to make a speech on tax reform.

  • President Reagan participates in a ceremony to promote Lieutenant General James Doolittle to General.

  • Aldrich Ames hands over the names of 20 Soviets working for the CIA, to a Soviet agent, several of whom were later executed.

View the President's Schedule
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Off to Bloomfield N.J. another speech on the Tax Reform. It was an outdoor crowd of about 24,000—most enthusiastic. Mayor Kinder—a truly solid citizen & Gov. Tom Kean a really fine Gov. who has reduced govt. & taxes, brought about a real ec. boom & improved ed. state wide; both on hand for the rally.

Back to W.H. by 2 P.M. and a busy whirl. Photos with departing Ambass’s. & Security people who are being re-assigned. Interview with Jim Buckley for Radio Free Europe. Over to O.M.B. to pin 4th star on Jimmy Doolittle making him 1st 4 star reserve officer in the Air Force.

A long taping session for a number of events & causes. Yesterdays success on Contra Aid is front page everywhere.

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