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Diary Entry - 06/09/1988

Ronald Reagan's white house diaries for the day of 06-09-1988

Key Facts

  • President Reagan meets with President Mobutu of the Republic of Zaire.

  • President Reagan attends and addresses the National Conference on a Drug-Free Workplace.

  • The U.S. House ethics committee meets in a closed session and discuss possibly charging Speaker Jim Wright with violating House financial rules.

View the President's Schedule
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Howard is back in Tenn. with Joy. I have a feeling he’ll have to make that a permanent move.

Yesterday the Sen. sustained my veto. Then Byrd pulled a pol. trick. He switched his vote to support the veto which now permits him when he wants to—to call for another vote.

We discussed the Catastrophic Health bill—it looks as if I’ll sign it.

A judge has ruled North & Poindexter must be tried separately.

The House ethics committee is deciding on whether to bring charges against Jim Wright.

Cong. is thinking of asking me to formally submit the Canada free trade bill to them for approval.

N.S.C.—Soviet Ambas’s. & other officials visiting other countrys are hailing the summit as a great success. Zia has officially cancelled his trip to the U.S.

Shevardnadze at U.N. is raising issue that we are blocking progress on START over banning or not banning nuclear weapons on ships.

Then a meeting with Pres. Mobutu of Zaire. He’s a good man & is helpful to us on Savimbi in Angola. At 11: A.M. went over to Grand Hyatt Hotel & addressed Nat. Conf. on a Drug Free Work place. They’re doing a great job in the business world.

Back to W.H. for lunch—then a photo with Russell Kirk. A briefing for & interview with Life Magazine—July 4 issue. Whole thing was on summit.

Then a photo with Jeanne Bull, her mother & 2 young friends. Several phone calls to Sens. & House leaders on getting started on a new trade bill.

End of day.

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