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Diary Entry - 06/09/1984

Ronald Reagan's white house diaries for the day of 06-09-1984

Key Facts

  • President Reagan displays a model of the U.S.'s proposed space station.

  • President Reagan attends summit sessions.

  • The President and First Lady enjoy a black tie dinner hosted by the Queen of England.

View the President's Schedule
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Another briefing breakfast 8:30 A.M. Then back to Lancaster house. The morning meeting went long—more protests by Pierre & Francois. We didn’t get to lunch until 2 P.M. There was blood on the floor—but not ours. As usual, Margaret, Helmut, Yasu & I stayed together & for the most part prevailed. It was a good summit & we did make progress on trade matters, East West, plans if the Iran-Iraq war creates an oil crisis & agreements on 3rd world matters & handling the tremendous international debt. We were further delayed in getting to Guild Hall for the finale—the presentation of statements to the press, by 40,000 anti-nuke demonstrators who fouled up traffic. Before leaving we displayed a model of our proposed space station & I extended an invitation to all of them to join us. Into black tie & on to Buckingham for the dinner given by the Queen. It was a very nice affair and an experience to be in that historic palace dining with the Royal family & others. I was between the Queen & the Queen Mother who is a delightful person. Across the table was Nancy between Prince Phillip & Prince Charles. And so the Summit ends.

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