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Diary Entry - 06/06/1987

Ronald Reagan's white house diaries for the day of 06-06-1987

Key Facts

  • President Reagan travels to The Vatican City to meet with His Holiness Pope John Paul II.

  • President Reagan attends a luncheon hosted by President of the Italian Republic Francesco Cossiga.

View the President's Schedule
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Departed 9 A.M. by helicopter for Marco Polo Airport.—Met by Venice Prefect & wife—Ugo Trotta. They saw us off on A.F.1 for Rome. Arrived at Ciampino Air Port at 10:15 A.M.—a sizable greeting party included Papal reps. & A.F. Base Commander. Boarded Marine 1. Arrived at the Vatican at 10:40. Motored 5 min’s. to Pontifical Palace. Much Pomp & Ceremony—with Swiss Guards and all. Nancy went on a separate tour while Bishop Monduzzi took me to the Papal library where I met the Pope. We talked for an hour—an interesting hour. I filled him in as best I could on Nicaragua & Gen. Sec. Gorbachev. Then Nancy arrived, press photographers, our entire team & his. [I] recited my prepared remarks—he responded, gifts were exchanged. Then we left the Pope & went to the Sala Clementina room to meet & be greeted by the American Seminary students from No. Am. College. From there it was to the motorcade—back to the helicopter & off for Castel Porziano. There we lunched with Pres. Francesco Cossiga, P.M. & Mrs. Fanfani, & 2 interpreters. It was very pleasant. Then back to the motorcade, Marine 1 to Marco Polo, A.F. & A.F.1. From there to Ciampino A.F. back into a helicopter & on to Villa Condulmer. We were greeted there by the 6th grade students (American) from Aviano Elementary School (U.S.A.F. base) a nice bunch of kids. Upstairs—tired & time to peel down for a quiet dinner & evening.

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