Diary Entry - 06/06/1985

Key Facts
President Reagan visits Northwest High School in Atlanta, GA.
President Reagan travels to Birmingham, Alabama for a fundraiser for Senator Denton.
Authorities in Brazil exhume a body later identified as the remains of Dr. Josef Mengele, the notorious "Angel of Death" of the Nazi Holocaust near Sao Paolo, Brazil.
Started the day at Northwest High School in Atlanta. Ten years ago this school was a disaster area. Today it is one of the top schools in the country in S.A.T. scores. Nancy visited this school in connection with their drug program a short time go. They really remember her. It was an exhilarating experience. They have a school spirit I’ve seldom seen. The relationship between blacks & whites is a dream come true. They have a spectacular fine arts program including ballet. I cant describe how exciting it was to see & hear these kids in this “born again” school.
Then off to Alabama to do a fund raiser for Sen. Denton. This too set a new record in $ raised in the state. This was a lunch for about 4000 Jerry returned to Wash. with us so he could be on hand to vote on the aid to Contras bill. On the ride back I made my decision on the SALT II matter. We will continue to practice restraint on the building of Nuclear weapons. That restraint will keep us generally within the frame work of the SALT II but only commensurate with the Soviets observance of the SALT II restraints & for only as long as the Soviets abide by SALT II restraints.