Diary Entry - 06/04/1986

Key Facts
President Reagan tours the Army's basic training center at Parris Island, South Carolina.
President Reagan attends the largest political fund raiser in North Carolina state history for Congressman Jim Broyhill (R-North Carolina).
The California Supreme Court approves the "deep pockets law", limiting the liability of manufacturers and other wealthy defendants.
This was a wonderful day. Took off the S. Lawn in Marine 1 to Andrews then A.F.1 to Parris Island S.C. the Marine basic training center. Saw recruits doing the obstacle courses then addressed a crowd of around 6,000—about 4000 were the recruits. I’ve never been so proud. Then we flew to Greensboro N.C. to do a fund raiser for Cong. Jim Broyhill who is our cand. for Sen. Jim said it was the biggest Pol. fund raiser in N.C. history. I was so well received I could have choked up. Everything went well—even the weather. We landed at Parris in rain which stopped when we got off the plane & sun came out. Back to W.H. around 5 P.M.