Diary Entry - 06/03/1985

Key Facts
President Reagan attends a National Security Council meeting.
President Reagan meets with members of the press.
An N.S.C. meeting dealt with what to do about the SAL T II unratified treaty which expires in Dec. So far the Soviets & us have operated on an agreement that even though the treaty had not been officially adopted we’d both conduct our arms policies within the treaties restraints. We’ve done so but they have cheated a number of times. Now we are coming to a time when we’ll have to dismantle Poseidon sub’s. as we add Tridents to our Navy. Question do we do that even though they are cheating or do we announce that we’ll no longer abide by the agreement? I’ve had 5 options presented to me & now it’s up to me & frankly I dont have the answer yet. Dr. David Owens former labor foreign minister in Eng.—now head of a new party that’s coming on like gang busters in old “blighty” was last on my schedule this afternoon. He put in a pitch for continuing to observe the restraint. He brought up the subject without knowing where we are or that we’ve been meeting on the subject. He voiced one of our concerns—what do our allies in N.A.T.O. want us to do. Well the hot potato is mine to handle.
Had an issues briefing lunch, then an interview with columnist James J. Kilpatrick.
A photo session for a new official photo—my very unfavorite thing to do.