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Diary Entry - 06/02/1986

Key Facts

  • President Reagan places a call to Judge William W. Wilkins, Jr., U.S. District Court for the District of South Carolina.

  • President Reagan places a call to Gen. Paul X. Kelley, Commandant of the Marine Corps.

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Had to get up last night & close the window because it was too hot outside.

Staff & N.S.C. meetings then a couple of hours of desk work. At lunch time went up & got Nancy & then down to the East Room. It was a luncheon to present the Volunteer Action Awards. Vol. is a group headed by Geo. Romney & Action is a group we put together directed by Miss Alvarado. Both are dedicated to putting together & helping volunteer programs to grow. These are strictly good deed outfits started by individuals who want to help people. Nancy & I handed out 19 silver medals & even those were provided by the pvt. sector.

Then I went to the Map Room & did 7 tapings for various events. From there to the Situation room for an N.S.P.G. meeting on how to get a handle on leaks—particularly those revealing classified info. that threatens our Nat. Security. I’m holding out for going to the Nat. Publishers Board & persuading them to adopt a code of ethics by which they’ll come to us with tips or leaks they get which could endanger our Nat. Security. No decision as yet. A haircut & upstairs to get ready for dinner at George Stevens, Jr’s. home. The Hestons, Andy Williams & John Guares—the playwright who won 4 Tonys last night will be there. Well it turned out to be a most enjoyable evening. Pierre Salingers French wife was there—very charming and approving of our country.

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