Diary Entry - 05/31/1982

Key Facts
President Reagan participates in a ceremony to place a wreath at the Tomb of the Unknown Soldier in observance of Memorial Day.
President Reagan speaks with Prime Minister Thatcher of Great Britain about the current armed conflict in the Falkland Islands.
Easy day—to Arlington for Decoration Day Ceremony. It was very moving and inspiring. Back to office to meet with Jeanne Kirkpatrick. She & Al H. have been at each others throats. Later in day met with Al. Bill Clark at both meetings—thank Heaven. As it turns out there is some right & wrong on both sides. I think we can get a lid on it with no further damage. Talked by phone to P.M. Thatcher. We had a new proposal to get or try to get a settlement without the U.K. scoring a total victory which could topple the govt. of Argentina. The P.M. is adamant (so far). She feels the loss of life so far can only be justified if they win. We’ll see—she may be right.