Diary Entry - 05/30/1985

Key Facts
President Reagan participates in the "Prelude to Independence" Celebration in Williamsburg, VA.
President Reagan travels to Oshkosh, Wisconsin and addresses the citizens on tax reform.
Flew to Williamsburg Va. There at an outdoor gathering of about 10,000 in front of the old Va. Capitol where 220 yrs. ago on this day Patrick Henry fired the first oral salvo at King Geo. II. I spoke on our Tax Reform. It was exceptionally well received. Sen. Paul Trible was along. Then we took off for Oshkosh Wis. home of Oshkosh B’Gosh overalls. I wore them as a kid. This was outdoors also—22,000 people. Another speech on tax reform to a most enthusiastic audience. Some 1200 school kids met me at the airport complete with banners & signs. I spoke to them on the car microphone. All in all a good day. Tonite back in Wash. a black tie dinner for Clare Booth Luce given by the Time Inc. people.