Diary Entry - 05/26/1983

Key Facts
President Reagan greets the Prime Minister of the Italian Republic Amintore Fanfani to discuss the upcoming economic summit.
President Reagan calls the parents of a U.S. Navy Commander who was murdered the previous night in El Salvador.
N.S.C.—last night a Navy Commander was murdered in his car in El Salvador. I phoned his parents today—a retired Navy Capt. & wife. Did a live T.V. interview by 6 foreign correspondents representing the summit countries. It was carried in each of those countries. P.M. Fanfani of Italy arrived. We had a good meeting & luncheon. Discussed issues that will come up at summit. Jack Valenti—top 2 from Warners—2 from Paramount & Lew Wasserman Universal came by so I could thank them for re-doing the W.H. family theatre. Had another hour briefing on the summit. Enough already. Haircut—taped my Sat. broadcast & home & mother. Tonite phoned a T.V. jobathon in Warsaw Wis. & a banquet of the Jewish Press.