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Diary Entry - 05/24/1984

Ronald Reagan's white house diaries for the day of 05-24-1984

Key Facts

  • President Reagan participates in groundbreaking ceremonies for an addition of the CIA headquarters.

  • President Reagan meets with Ensign Kristine Holdereid, the first woman to ever top the graduating class at Annapolis.

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This one made up for that easy one yesterday. Ensign Kristine Holdereid (1st woman to ever top the graduating class at Annapolis) came to the Oval office with her parents & brother. She’s very nice & so is her family. I took her over to the E.O.B. to meet the editors of Womens magazines who were having a meeting. Then over to Langley to speak to the employees of C.I.A. & break ground for a new building. Geo. B. & I then had lunch together. Jay Hair head of “Wildlife Fed.” came in with Bill Clark & Bill Ruckelshaus. Maybe we’re making a little headway with the environmentalists who declared war on me about 3 yrs. ago. I think Jay wants to be fair and heard some things today he hadn’t understood before. A cabinet meeting to hear a report on how we’re doing on implementing the Grace Commission recommendations. We’re doing fine & have some already in action & others ready for action by Cong.—about 25% of them. Visits from the Multiple Sclerosis Father & Mother of the year. Head of Amvets made me a life member. Met Chi Luu & his parents—he just graduated with a 3.98 grade average from City College of N.Y. In ’79 he arrived here from Vietnam & didn’t know a word of English. Did more T.V. with a dozen or so of our Congressmen. And now off to Claire Boothe Luces for dinner. A most pleasant meeting—just 12 of us—the Geo. Wills, de Borchgraves, Michael Novaks, The Clarks & our hostess & Bill Webster.

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