Diary Entry - 05/24/1982

Key Facts
President Reagan spends most of the day preparing for the upcoming summit in Versailles.
President Reagan announces that an agreement has been reached on the proposal to reorganize the Department of Energy into the Departments of Commerce, Justice, Interior, and Agriculture.
I hate Mondays. One of those days with meetings, briefings & interviews overlapping to where I couldn’t even read a memo & my desk was full of them. Nancy’s on her way to Phoenix & L.A. We had a session on Sanctions, limiting Soviet Credit & the Versailles meeting. There was a lot of talk about not having a set to with our allies. I finally said to h--l with it. It’s time we tell them this is our chance to bring the Soviets into the real world and for them to take a stand with us—shut off credit etc. Day finally ended & tomorrow it’s Calif. for me too.