Diary Entry - 05/23/1988

Key Facts
President Reagan addresses Western Europe about his upcoming Moscow Summit.
President Reagan attends a ceremony to observe World Trade Week and to present the "E" and "E Star" awards.
Secretary of State George Shultz visits Capitol Hill and asks for a prompt Senate vote to ratify the intermediate-range nuclear missile treaty.
A General discussion of I.N.F.,—Noriega, the Congress & it’s expensive staff. H. Baker brought me regards from Jimmy Carter. He saw him at a meeting of a commission meeting on which J.C. serves.
Howard has suggested that my appointees to a proposed bipartisan Drug commission might be J. Baker, Ed Meese, Colin P. & himself.
N.S.C.—Colin brought in a map of Afghanistan showing bases being evacuated by Soviets. Mujhadeen are taking those bases now manned by the Afghan military.
We had a July visit scheduled here by Hungarian leader Kadar. He’s been demoted someone else will probably come. A short briefing on coming N.S.P.G. meeting.
Then I did some taping—a Worldnet T.V. speech then a radio ad for Miss Airys campaign for Cong. (Va.) & did my next Sat’s. radiocast. A little desk time then out to the Rose Garden (85°) to do the annual E awards to a dozen businesses. Lunch & the N.S.C. briefing 1⁄2 hour in the situation room on the summit. Half hour of desk time & back to the situation room—N.S.P.G. on START treaty.
Bob Tuttle with some appointments to pass on & down to a haircut. Stopped in Dr’s. office to have my Dupreton Contraction on my hand checked. And upstairs.