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Diary Entry - 05/21/1985

Ronald Reagan's white house diaries for the day of 05-21-1985

Key Facts

  • President Reagan meets with the President of the Republic of Honduras Roberto Suazo Cordova

  • President Reagan meets with Republican Congressional Leaders to discuss the situation in Nicaragua.

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Met with Repub. Leadership—House & Sen. I got a little ticked off & told them I was tired of foreign policy by a committee of 535. Our discussion was on the budget & aid to the Contras—I’m not sure we cant get the latter since Ortega went to Moscow.

Pres. (of Honduras) Suazo for a meeting & lunch in the W.H. It was a good meeting. They are not flynching from the threat of Nicaragua & they intend to help the Contras. I think we tightened the friendship.

After lunch Nancy & I had a new official photo taken—out on the Truman balcony. Then our final briefing on the tax plan. I think we’re all together on what is truly tax reform. Each of us is shaky (a little) on one point or another but the die is cast. Over to E.O.B. to address the Council of the Americas—chaired by David Rockefeller. A good meeting with Ed Zorinsky on the patio with Geo. B. Don R. & Max F. Ed—one time Repub. Mayor of Omaha now Dem. Senator has been as staunch an ally as any Repub. I get the impression he’d be happier back over with us. We didn’t push but he knows the door is open wide.

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