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Diary Entry - 05/21/1984

Ronald Reagan's white house diaries for the day of 05-21-1984

Key Facts

  • President Reagan welcomes and meets with President-elect Duarte of El Salvador.

  • The President and First Lady greet Prince Philip, Duke of Edinburgh.

View the President's Schedule
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Summer has come all at once—almost 90 & humid. Pres. Elect Duarte arrived. He is a Notre Dame graduate. He told me I was his hero—as a freshman he went thru the Notre Dame indoctrination which includes seeing the film in which I played the Gipper. I think he’ll do alright before Cong. tomorrow He’s outspoken against both the extremists on the right & the Guerillas. He’ll also speak of the need for Am. help. Went over to E.O.B. & spoke to Cuban Am. leaders who have been having a briefing. Like yesterday they are gung ho for our side. A touching moment with tiny Amy Smith. She is the Arthritis Poster Child—7 yrs. old and Arthritic since age 2. When are we going to find the answer to this terrible curse. Rose Garden ceremony for launching the Silver & Gold Coin sales for the Olympics. Then a most enjoyable lunch with Prince Phillip, the Wrights & the Princes aide up in the Sun room. The Prince expressed a typical British attitude regarding the Olympics, namely that it is overdone and should get back to just youngsters having fun. Back at the Rose Garden after lunch I signed our legislation designed to help us come down on child pornography. Then a couple of hours practice for tomorrow nights press conference.

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