Diary Entry - 05/20/1988

Key Facts
President Reagan meets with Johnny Cash and June Carter Cash.
President Reagan participates in an interview with Valentin Zorin and Boris Kalyagin, correspondents with Soviet Television.
Very short staff & N.S.C. meetings. Discussed news that a bank in Colombia was providing bank in Panama with a $27 mil. deposit. Bank in Colombia is reported as one that laundered Drug money. If this is part of our deal we are really in trouble at home. But as morning went on we learned Bank wasn’t in the dirty money business but also that wasn’t connected in any way with our Noriega deal.
Then a photo with Johnny Cash & his wife. Our day didn’t start til 10 A.M. so I only had a brief desk time at about 10:40 then a briefing for T.V. interview with 2 Soviet newsmen. Show will be put on in Russia on the eve of our arrival. Interview went well—ran over a little so I was late for lunch with V.P.
Right after lunch I addressed a group of Cuban Americans on Cuban independence day. Cuba had become a Republic on this day in 1902. They were enthusiastically warm in their reception.
Another 20 mins. at desk then a meeting with George Shultz followed by meeting with Joint Chiefs of Staff. They briefed us on their views of arms reduction treatys. Then a meeting hastily called by Geo. S., Colin P., Frank Carlucci, V.P. Howard B., Ken D. & me. It was on deal which looks like it’s coming together in Panama. I made decision that we delay consummating the deal just while Kozak flies back here for weekend to bring his report & then goes back to give N. our decision. We will then announce our decision before we leave for Summit.
Upstairs—Nancy hosting Betts Bloomingdale & family & friends. I’d seen them all in the Oval office.
Mermie is here for dinner. After dinner an argument over Noriega. Both Mermie & Nancy are against me on Quashing his indictment. “Looks to public like I’m giving in to a drug dealer.”