Diary Entry - 05/18/1987

Key Facts
President Reagan attends a National Security Council meeting to discuss the attack on the USS Stark.
President Reagan meets with President of the Portuguese Republic Mario Alberto Soares to discuss bilateral and international issues.
Staff time—some talk on schedule & how to announce the ship situation. Then N.S.C. and more news on U.S.S. Stark. We’re still waiting for an apology from Iraq’s Pres. We’ve heard from foreign minister but that’s not enough.
At 9:45 a meeting with Pres. Soares of Portugal. A good meeting. Had some input from him on Mozambique & Pres. Chissano. Also on his meeting with Arias of Costa Rica. He’s very disturbed about Brazil and their ec. problems. At 11:30 A.M. into the Rose Garden for World Trade Ceremony—presentation of E&E Star awards. It went well but it was hot as h--l. An issues briefing lunch. Later a meeting with the speech writers—they wanted input on upcoming speeches including a few in Europe. Dick Wirthlin came by with latest figures—a mix—some falling a few points because of Press reporting (biased) on Cong. hearings—Iran-Contra. On the other hand some pretty good.
Then to situation room for hour meeting on U.S.S. Stark. I’ve declared that we let everyone know I’ve ordered our naval vessels to open fire on any craft positioning itself as a possible attacker. Saw 8 Ambas’s. & their familys off. A Haircut & up to get ready for dinner at Dick Helms. A small group Bill Webster & Sally Thomkins, Sen. & Ann Simpson, John Bross, Evangeline Bruce, Mr. & Mrs. Robbie Evans, the Hank Greenbergs, Mel Laird & David Rockefeller. A most enjoyable evening.