Diary Entry - 05/16/1983

Key Facts
President Reagan greets His Royal Highness Hassan Bin Talal, Crown Prince of the Hashemite Kingdom of Jordan to discuss the situation in Lebanon.
President Reagan swears in Helene A. von Damm as Ambassador of the U.S. to Austria.
His R.H. Prince Hassan of Jordan arrived. He believes the Arab states will pressure Syria into withdrawing from Lebanon after some face saving exchange. Addressed the Nat. Assn. of Home Builders convention. Used the occasion to scold Congress for it’s behavior re the budget. Had an Ec. briefing. The foreign or international debt problem still hangs over us. I hope the dam doesn’t break. Spent 2 hours practicing for tomorrow nights press conference. Then did a speech to an East Room full of C.E.O.’s asking for their help on the MX missile. We need them pushing Congress. Finished day with swearing in of Helene Von Damm as Ambas. to Austria—her native land. The St. Dining room was filled with friends, some from the hill, from the cabinet, from outside of govt. It was a heartwarming experience.