Diary Entry - 05/15/1986

Key Facts
President Reagan participates in a meeting to discuss U.S. and Chinese relations with the Vice Premier of the People's Republic of China, Yao Yilin.
President Reagan greets former presidential press secretaries attending a White House luncheon.
Argentine ex-president Galtieri is sentenced to twelve years.
A brief meeting with the Vice Premier of China—Yao Yilin. He’ll be here for 3 days—meetings scheduled with George S. & George B. & Sec. Baldridge. Our relationship with China seems to be on solid ground & they continue to swing more & more to a free mkt ec.
Lunched with the V.P. then we dropped in on Larry Speakes lunch for former Press secretarys going back to Trumans time. They are being honored tonite at W.H. press photographers dinner. A brief signing for Liz Dole of the signing of proclamation for Transportation week.
A meeting with Sen. Gordon Humphrey of N.H. He’s been opposed to us on Saudi arms. I think we answered his legit. Q’s. on a few points & maybe we’ll have his support.
Then an N.S.C. meeting on getting N.A.S.A. back in operation of launching satellites. It’s a tough problem & a costly one. We arrived at no answer.
Dick Wirthlins polls were really up—my approval rating is at 75%. A lot of real up beat on our Libyan Action. Routine personnel session—some photos with departing S.S. agents & their familys. Word came that the House passed their budget bill—a real stinker but we only lost 17 Repubs. & got 19 Dems.
An early dinner & then a drop by to the W.H. photographers dinner. All dressed up we dropped by—I said a few words & then presented the awards to the 2 winners & we came home.