Diary Entry - 05/15/1985

Key Facts
President Reagan meets with Trustees of the Reagan Library and Museum.
President Reagan receives the Bertha A. Adkins Memorial Award for Outstanding Senior Citizens.
A booby-trapped book detonates in the hands of graduate student John Hauser at University of California Berkeley; the bomb was later attributed to the Unabomber Theodore Kaczynski.
Up early again—when do we get back to local time? Another session on the tax proposal—we’re getting there slowly. We had hoped to turn it in to Congress next week. Now we’ll skip a week—request of Dole & Michel who want to get the budget debate over with.
Met with Trustees of Reagan Library & Museum. Discussed plans for buildings at Stanford U. I cant get used to the idea that mil’s. of dollars are going to be spent to house my papers etc.
Cong. Bill Dickinson came by with a suggestion to appoint a distinguished group to study the Defense dept. and report to the people. He feels as we do that the propaganda drum beat against our defense policies has led the people to believe we don't know where we’re going & all the stories of waste & fraud we uncover are things we’ve done wrong. Truth is these were sins of the past & we’re uncovering them & correcting them. We need an all out P.R. plan to get the truth about our success in defense matters to the public.
Admin. time: Met the N.C.A.A. Basketball champs (girls) from Old Dominion. Saw Commander Sutton (mil. aide) off to San Diego—a Destroyer the Callahagn. His wife is also a Commander. I then received an award by Senior Citizens Council & met Bill Lucas—Wayne Co. Exec. from Mich. who has just turned Repub.
Did some tapings & went upstairs. Have to stay hidden—Nancy has some guests for tea.