Diary Entry - 05/13/1983

Key Facts
President Reagan receives a report from the President's Intelligence Oversight Board.
President Reagan is presented the Pope John Paul II Religious Freedom Award.
The US Federal Reserve Board announces that industrial production has increased 2.1% in April, the largest one-month gain in nearly eight years.
N.S.C.—discussed Soviet summit & how to handle if they broached it. There is possibility Andropov might come to the U.N. If so we should invite him to Wash. & will. Met with speechwriters—told them shorter sentences & single syllable words wherever they can be used. Intelligence oversight board reported in (every 1⁄2 year). They told me they can not find that I’m breaking any laws regarding intelligence operations or covert in Central Am. Met with some bipartisan leaders of the House re MX. I think we did some good. Had lunch with Jim B. & Paul Laxalt. Paul gave me some figures on the proposed Sen. Compromise of the bud.—asked me to look at them over the weekend. Father Blum came in—(Catholic League For Human & Civil Rts.) presented me with 1st Pope John Paul award for my contribution to Human rts. Met with Lane Kirkland & foreign labor leaders of countries in O.E.C.D. They gave me their report of what we should do at the Ec. Summit. Somehow they think we can solve the world’s ec. problems by increasing pay to labor. Charlton Heston & his wife came by the house. He is very concerned as I am about the T.V. networks push to set aside the consent decree & allow them to own syndication rights to T.V. shows. I think it would wipe out all the independent & movie studio production of shows. Off to Camp David. Weather beautiful. Cocktails outdoors. I have a load of homework with me.