Diary Entry - 05/12/1987

Key Facts
President Reagan attends a National Security Council meeting to discuss the situations in Nicaragua and the Philippines.
President Reagan meets with Republican Congressional Leadership to discuss the extension on the debt ceiling to avoid the Nation going into default.
At 9 A.M. a phone call (secure) to Helmut Kohl (W.G. Chancellor). This was a session on our intermediate range nuclear missiles. I wanted him to know we weren’t going to pressure him on the short range missiles. They have real concerns about being left with nuc. weapons that would explode on Germany & being left with Soviet superiority in conventional weapons. But I think he’ll be cooperative.
Then it was a good meeting with the Repub. Cong. leadership. Main problem is getting an extension on debt ceiling before May 28 when if we dont have an extension we’ll be in default. Talk is of getting a 60 day extension so something can be worked out. I asked them to consider a ceiling based on Gramm, Rudman, Hollings—to carry us until budget was balanced with the ceiling each year based on G.R.H. deficit allowed each year.
Then back to an N.S.C. meeting—subjects Nicaragua, Contra leaders are planning a Dem. govt. system. Then the Philippines election. It looks like Acquino will win big. On Malta there has been an election & for 1st time in years a pro U.S. Prime Minister has been elected. After lunch over to E.O.B. to address Council of the Americas. They presented me their highest award. Then a signing ceremony of proclamation making this “Just Say No to Drugs” week.
A meeting with George S.—more talk about arms control.
Then Admin. time—photos with 4 nat. award winners as small business people. Rush Hill (from my Gov. days) dropped by. A Kuwait journalist & a few other individuals then over to W.H. for reception—Eureka College supporters of the Ronald Reagan Scholarship fund & 1st graduates of the R.R. Scholars. It was nostalgic & fun.